Wednesday, June 4, 2014


So, if you are reading this, you are aware that I made my blog private yesterday. 
I have had this issue on my mind for quite some time now. My reasons for considering more privacy have been that Tim's job is a very public job and I've been worried about what I share, the kids are getting older (I'm not really sure why I feel that the age matters) and I worry about their privacy, and I have had quite the spike in people who view my blog in the past year.

A couple of days ago, I received a couple of ugly comments on here. That is the first time it has ever happened. It really hurt, mostly because it was an attack of my character. I'm so thankful for the many friends who gave me support and encouragement. It truly made me realize how blessed I am and that I know me and the people around me, know me. Isn't that all that matters?

I started this blog in January of 2009 after a friend of mine had started a blog. I had exactly no idea what I was doing or what I should even blog about. Eventually, I started to get the hang of it. I think, like everyone during that time, there was a pressure to have a "brand." I always felt like that was just not me or what I wanted to do with my blog. My whole reason for posting was to record memories of our family journey. 
When I started using Twitter in the fall of 2010, that pressure was everywhere. Everyone was trying to get more people to visit their blogs. I "sort of" jumped on that bandwagon. I joined blog hops and blog groups and used Twitter to try and gain exposure. I even started a couple of other blogs with different purposes. But, all of that felt so hollow. All I longed to do was share about our family.

Lately, I just have not cared who reads this blog except the people that I know and love. I still read blogs and even blogs of people who I do not know in real life, but I have drastically cut out anything that doesn't really, really interest me. I've unfollowed numerous people of Twitter. I have unfollowed people on Facebook that I don't want to unfriend, but have a hard time seeing their negativity. I have made Twitter and Instagram private. I just do not feel the need to invite strangers in anymore.

Maybe it is age? Maybe it is the fact that the new has worn off? Maybe it is the fact that I was tragically and totally addicted to social media and constantly staring at my phone and iPad? Maybe it is the fact that I get so much more accomplished with fewer distractions? Or maybe it is all of that together.

Whatever it is, the rude comments sent me over the edge. I don't have to put up with that kind of thing. I don't have thick skin and they hurt deeply. It caused me to wonder if there was truth in them. I know there isn't, but that is what the enemy will do to you. I know that all of these platforms have been used against me by the enemy. I have two relationships that were nearly destroyed by the use of social media. Thank you Jesus that I wised up and got all of that straight!

Soooo, long story short- I'm so glad that I get to share my life with you. I love blogging and Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I will still use all of it, but only with the people I feel are worth it! I love y'all and thank you so much for supporting and encouraging me!


  1. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this! That makes me so sad. People are so weird. I think you are a fantastic person and a great mama!

    1. That's so sweet of you! I think you are awesome!

  2. the negative commenters need jesus, that's the only reason I can think of why they would be so ugly. i can easily relate to you. when i first started my blog, i thought i needed followers and tons of comments to feel successful. how silly is that! the only reason why i blog is because it's our family journal, and i know years from now, heck decades, i will be glad i documented the key moments (see what i did there?! :) hehe!) plus, i print my blog by year, so i love having those hard copies onhand! even if no one on the planet read my blog, i would still do it for me. you have a precious family, and you documenting the sweet memories is so special!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I love reading about your family on your blog!

  3. Beautiful, Lenette. I've been struggling with this too. After hateful comments, I just don't really feel like dealing with that negativity and I just want to document our lives.

    1. I don't know why people feel the need to hurt others. What good comes of it? None, that's what. I love reading about your precious family!


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