Thursday, February 24, 2011

When bloggers stop blogging

You know, the blog you read every day.  Every.Single.Day.  And then one day it's not updated. And then it's not updated the next day and the next day.  And then it's a month later and you are left wondering what happened. 

We become invested in the blogs we read and the people who write these blogs. 
I have a favorite blogger this has happened with.  I'm not sure if she is done forever or not.  It does make me sad.  I really enjoyed reading her blog and looked forward to each new post.  I've read her blog for at least 3 years and many others have read it for 5+ years. 

All of this got me to thinking about all of us bloggers.  We write, we read, we comment.  We have favorite bloggers.  One day, these bloggers will quit blogging.  At least some of them will.  It's like losing friends.  Most of these people we only know online.  So when they quit blogging, especially without explanation, we have no idea what has happened. 

I have found some really awesome blogs lately and there are new ones all the time.  I haven't yet found one that fills the void of my lost one.  Who knows if I will.  Maybe it's because it was one of the first blogs I read and became attached to.

I know that bloggers often get "blog burnout" and maybe that is what is happening.  But how do we prepare ourselves if it is the end of our favorite blog?

Who is your favorite blogger and what if they stopped blogging?


  1. I also had that happen. But I later found out she had suffered a stroke, at a young age, which was the reason for the sudden stop to her blogging. Finally a friend has posted a update to her blog. I do find though that if someone doesn't update their blog at least once a week I am pretty disappointed.

  2. Ah, interesting. Especially since I have been taking a bit of a blog break myself. I've tried to be open about it, sometimes people just need to get all their ducks in a row and something needs to fall by the wayside. For me, right now, that means I blog a lot less.

    I'm starting to feel the itch and inspiration to write again, so hoping to be back soon.

    It is hard when you get attached to a blog and it's author and then -- poof! -- it's gone. I've had that happen. I think we have to remember that, for most bloggers, it's a hobby and perhaps note pressing matters are at hand.

  3. Deedra!--I didn't know you had a blog! Love it! I followed you this morning!

    @Kristen- I know what you mean about other pressing matters. I have times where I blog a lot less too. I've just been considering lately about a blogger I follow who has basically stopped. It really is sad when you feel you have gotten to know someone. Hopefully she will return sometime so we'll see. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I'm just getting started, still trying to figure it all out....but seems there are "rules" about what you can talk about on facebook, so I decided if I blog then hopefully I can at least express my feelings on subjects.

  5. it really freaks me think that my words could be frozen in time...and none of my followers will know what happened..say if I passed away.

    a blog I followed, she just suddendly left ...her child had been seriously injured and she just didn't have the heart to write for a long long time..

  6. Dee- I love having a blog where I can write what I want. It's sad that people have issues with what you say on FB. I'm so glad that you saw a doctor that is going to help you with your problems! You and Eric and Tyler are still in my prayers!

  7. Jill- my husband read an article recently about appointing a digital executor in your will. Someone that would have access to all of your online stuff. We have so much online these days and it sounds like a really good idea to me.


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