Friday, February 1, 2013


I am part of the visitation ministry through our women's ministry at church.
Another lady and I go and visit a wonderful 96 year old gentleman.
He still works at the business in town that he founded.
He still drives.
He still goes to breakfast with a group of men every morning.
He works with a son and at least 1 grandson.
 I see him in church every Sunday.
He has a very sharp mind and memory.
It has been so interesting hearing the stories that he tells.
You can see his faith in the way he lives and talks.
Yes, he has had sorrow.  He has lost his wife and a son.
But, today, while I was visiting him and we were talking, he said, "The Lord will take care of me, He always has."
Through 96 years of life, God has always taken care of him.
I want to be able to say that if I am so lucky to reach the age of 96.
I want to be able to leave a legacy of faith like he is leaving.
He has children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that he is leaving this legacy to.
I wonder who I will be leaving my legacy to?
The legacy will be passed on to people I have not even met yet.
The way I am shaping my life and the way I am raising my children will influence generations to come.
I want to leave good.
I want to leave faith.
I want to tell them, "The Lord will take care of me, He always has."

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