Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Put a crown on it

Have you been having a good week?

Tim has had things on both Monday and Tuesday nights this week, so things have been a little abnormal.

Yesterday, I had my usual Bible study, then I visited Mr. Overstreet, ran home to eat lunch, and then did Tuesday folders before coming home.  I made C Girl a makeup gymnastics class in the afternoon because someone me forgot about it last week!

I had some muscle trouble last night so I ended up being asleep before the State of the union address came on tv.  We always watch those, so I hated that I missed it.

This morning, I had breakfast with a couple of friends at CFA.  It is such a nice way to start the day!  They are two of the sweetest girls ever!

I just got home from the dentist where I had been for almost 2.5 hours.  I had to get a small filling in one tooth and a crown on the other one.  They asked if I wanted nitrous oxide before and during the numbing.  I didn't remember ever having it before, so I went ahead agreed to try it.  It was great at first, and I was very relaxed.  After about 10 minutes or so, I felt very claustrophobic and panicky.  I had to get that thing off my nose and NOW!  I was fine after it had worn off.  They did say that some people react to it like that.  Anyways, the dental work wasn't too bad.  They were very caring and quick.  It is very disconcerting here the drill, but that's part of it.  Make your kids take care of their mouth now, so they don't have to go through all of this stuff like I do!  

I leave you with the boy reciting his AWANA memory verse:

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