Friday, May 17, 2013

a showcase, an anniversary, and a play

The end of the school year is coming to a close.
It does make me sad in the fact that my babies are getting older.


Hot dog, I'm looking forward to summer!!!
To have days without stuff on the calendar makes me ridiculously happy.

So, this is another long post.  #sorry #notsorry

I've probably mentioned it before, but our district started a 21st century classroom program last year.  It is a grant that teachers could apply for and if they were chosen, they would receive a classroom set of technology.

Last year, C's teacher applied and was a recipient!
We already had planned for B Boy to be in her class, so it was neat that he would get to be a  part of this great new thing!

Grades K-2 receive iPads and all grades above receive laptops. 
The recipients for this year's grant are actually being awarded this morning!
With last year's and this year's recipients, our district will have 47 21st century classrooms next year!

This past Tuesday evening, our district had a Technology Showcase to let these classes show off what they have used the technology for this year.

B Boy participated in his class's station.
Using his iPad that he used all year
Presenting his weather book that he wrote and illustrated online to our assistant principal
The class project was based on learning about weather.  They blogged, had a meteorologist visit, wrote books online and lots more!
Yesterday was our 10 year anniversary, so we actually got to spend the day together kid free!
We finally got the opportunity to visit the Norman Rockwell exhibit that is at Crystal Bridges Museum until May 27th.
I didn't know what to expect, but I loved every minute of it!
 It took us almost two hours to look through the entire exhibit.  I could have easily stayed longer.

First of all, his paintings are wonderful.  

Secondly, to me, it is almost insane to be able to stand right in front of the actual paintings that he painted.

Thirdly, I was shocked at how many covers of the Saturday Evening Post that he had painted for.  They had every single issue that he had done in the exhibit.  It was 362 of them or something.

Fourth, his broad range of styles is very impressive. 
The paintings that he is most known for are the iconic Norman Rockwell style from the covers of the Saturday Evening Post.
But, he also did portraits of presidents, portraits of actors/actresses for movies, true historical paintings, and paintings for propaganda poster or advertisements.

His paintings are so detailed and some are so life like.
I love how a lot of the paintings depict a small moment during regular life.

He used models for his paintings, did lots of research, and did sketches and drawings before he even started a painting!

So, there is your history lesson for the day!

This was one of my favorites-
A Christmas Homecoming -Norman Rockwell, 1948
Last night, B Boy had his end of the year kindergarten Bugz play. 
C Girl had the same one last year.
and now I've watched the videos from last year and am boo hooing!
Sweet little army ant
Such a cute play yet again!
Can I please bottle him up and keep him at this age?!!!

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