
Thursday, October 8, 2015

this week

This week has been pretty busy!

I started my Monday with a BPTO board meeting. Things are very interesting this year because we are working to get the new PTO set up at the new high school that will open in our district next fall. We will have a new elementary opening the fall after that.
Our area is growing SO much!

I had Bible study on Tuesday morning. 
I ran home to eat lunch and then headed to school to watch the 4th grade musical!
The musical was Cinderella themed and called The Return of the Glass Slipper.
These 4th graders are so talented! They did an amazing job!
The parents who created the backdrop did a fantastic job as well!
This may be my favorite picture with C Girl and I ever!
I can't leave out my other girlie! She is doing so good!
 Wednesday was Mr. Overstreet's 99th birthday! I stopped by his store to drop off a card and visit, but he was still out and about town. He had already been celebrating his birthday and running errands - he's 99!!!

I then headed to my mentor's house to have our bi-monthly meeting. 
It is so great to talk with her and to learn more about the Bible and God together.

I had dinner with Tim & the kids at a local Mexican restaurant that was doing a spirit night for our school. Afterwards, I met a friend at a coffee shop to have dessert and conversation.

This morning, I had my "annual" exam if you know what I mean.
I can't remember if I mentioned lately that my iron count has been extremely low.
My GI doctor was concerned and my GYN was very concerned.
Long story short, it has been recommended to shut the uterus down. Birth control for many years is not feasible for me and a uterine embolization is not 100% effective. 
Sooo, I will be having a partial hysterectomy next month. 
I'm still kind of in shock by that, but I need to get my anemia in check before it turns in to a potential life threatening thing. Please pray that my iron count will increase and that I will have peace about this surgery!

1 comment:

  1. Your days are as full as mine. Seems like there just isn't enough hours doesn't it?
    That musical looked awesome. I bet they did a great job!
    Prayers for you for your upcoming surgery. Surgery is always a scary thing but when it's a must, it's a must.


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