
Monday, October 19, 2015

Ode to October

It's been a pretty, beautiful month so far!
We are starting week 2 of October intercession from school.

Friday, October 9th, I visited with my friend, Berkli and got to walk through her new house!
On the way home, I saw a turtle on the highway. I could not bear to leave it there. I parked and walked back out there to save it. I drove it to a more "woodsy" and safe place.
Thursday evening, Tim and B Boy were playing catch and B's thumb was hit with the ball. Tim ended up taking him to convenient care and thankfully, it was not broken!
Saturday morning, we headed down south to celebrate Parker's 4th birthday!
The party was at the same farm as last year.
The kids always have a fun time!
C Girl loves to feed the animals!
Birthday boy!
Spiderman party!
Playing with a new toy!
Playing with the new puppies!
The birthday boy and I!
Taking selfies!
We watched part of the game on the iPad. We played Alabama and did not win :-(
On Monday, we met friends from church at a local pumpkin patch.
While we were paying to get in, we ran into dear, dear friends!!!
It was so good to see Rick, Brittnie, and Wynn!!!
 Look at this sweet baby horse!
 My little loves and I!
Fun with friends!
Sweet, precious girl!
Feeding the cows on the hayride!
Trekking through the corn maze!
C Girl painted her baby pumpkins!
Tuesday morning was Bible study. The kids tagged along and got to play with other kids.
Afterwards, we met our friend, Samantha at Ron's hamburgers.
B Boy got a Ron's Buster - he couldn't eat it all!!!
 We then met friends at the community center to do some swimming!
  C Girl got her nerve up and went down a water slide for the first time! 
She had a blast and did it over and over and over!
 Wednesday morning, we had a super early dentist appointment for C Girl. 
Who sets up appointments at 8:10 when you are on break??!!
 The kids also had their well child visits later that morning. They are doing great!
 Thursday was a shopping day. B Boy needed new clothes (he keeps growing!!!) and they both needed winter coats.
 We ended up getting the Columbia one - it will keep him really warm this winter!
 We also had to get a load of groceries. B Boy helped check things off of the list!
  C Girl had piano lessons on Thursday afternoon. It was her first lesson in the business's new location! It's really nice. So happy for my friends who own this growing business!

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