
Monday, October 5, 2015

a fun, fall weekend!

We had a fun, fall family weekend!

On Friday evening, we had dinner at one of our favorite Bentonville eateries - Flying Fish.
 We walked down to the square for Oktoberfest at First Friday!
 On Saturday morning, we cleaned the garage and now it is SO nice out there!
The kids love getting the ping pong table out.
 Tim took B Boy to a family birthday party at a park and High Rise.
 Tim's niece, Khelli, his sister, Tammy, him, and his sister, Karen.
 C Girl was invited to a birthday sleepover and I think she had a great time!
 We watched the Arkansas vs. Tennessee game Saturday night and we won!!! We were so relieved to win that game!

Sunday afternoon, we headed to the Fall Festival at Hobbs State Park.
In the Visitor's center, they had a folk singer and a room where they were demonstrating spinning wool and weaving yarn into fabric.
 We learned a lot there! It was so neat to see how the entire process goes.  
They even used bugs and other things to dye the wool/yarn!
 We got to practice using a weaving machine.
 It was such a beautiful day! 

They had a shuttle to take people down to a trail where the other activities were, and the line was really long. 
We ran into some friends, and they decided to walk down thinking that it wasn't very far and would take less time than waiting in line.
It ended up being a 1.5 mile walk! Yikes!
 Down in Van Winkle Hollow, there was dutch oven cooking, a cider press, old timey games, a blacksmith, a man demonstrating cutting arrowheads, a snake oil salesman, a man sharing information about the past from the Benton County Historical Society, and a few other things!
 B Boy and his friend!
 Snake oil salesman!
 Blacksmith demonstration
 Cutting arrowheads
 The juice from these apples was SO good!
I loved how kids were able to participate in almost every demonstration!
 Music with various rustic instruments
 We had some apple cobbler from the dutch oven to end our fun day at Hobbs State Park!

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