
Thursday, October 1, 2015

when your life revolves around podcasts

Well, I feel like I have been absent from the blog a lot.
My life is full right now and I have also become consumed with podcasts, periscopes and snapchat lately.  (I'm "mrslsparacino" on all social media)
I listened to the Serial podcast and then became addicted to the story and found more podcasts about the case. I have been loving Undisclosed and Serial Dynasty.

This post will be catching up on the second half of September, so it is pretty lengthy.

By the way, how is it October????!!!
Don't get me wrong, I am more than ready for fall but this year is passing too quickly!

Friday, September 18 - waiting in the hospital lobby while daddy visits one of his assistant principals who had surgery recently.
He is so proud of the creations that he builds!
Football Saturdays. 
Our football dreams have been dashed this year, but we still love our team.
Sunday best.
Tim had spirit week at his school last week.
School pictures. I can't believe this is C Girl's last year of elementary.
My friend, Ginger's dad passed away from ALS a few years ago and now they have a lemonade stand every year to raise money for our local ALS Association. 
We were so happy to go by and visit and support them!
Last week was Bikes, Blues and BBQ Motorcycle Rally in Fayetteville. Tim's half brother and wife were in town since they are vendors so we went down to see them!
We stopped for dinner at Tacos 4 Life. For every meal that is purchased, they provide a meal to a hungry child. It is such a wonderful concept and the food was sooo good!
After we ate, we drove down Dickson street to check out the rally in action.
I really enjoyed watching Pope Francis visit here in the US. It was especially touching to see John Boehner weep through his speech to the joint Congress.
The kiddos went to football duty with daddy one night. They love mascots.
We had some friends over on Friday afternoon and the kids had a fun time!
We love these sweet girls!
Saturday morning, we headed out for some family fun!
Along the way, we saw more #BBBBQ action.
(Our local Harley Davidson retailer was throwing a big party!)
This was our first visit to Pea Ridge National Military Park. 
It was National public lands day, so we were able to go for free.
We stopped by the Visitor Center to get info and watch a video about the battle. 
I was surprised to learn what a pivotal point in the war this battle had been.
We got to see live artillery demonstrations!
The air is starting to feel crisp and the leaves are beginning to change. 
I love, love, love this season.
It was such a gorgeous day.
The Elkhorn Tavern.
Did y'all check out the lunar eclipse this weekend?
I got out my telephoto lens and tried to document this super moon lunar eclipse.
Sissy Girl had to have her teeth cleaned and 3 teeth extracted on Monday. 
She has recovered and is doing great.
 We met April and Ryan at the park and had a fun time visiting!
I bought this desk through a Facebook group recently for $20!!! 
I didn't love the color, but a coat of paint and new drawer pulls and it turned out so cute!
C Girl is over the moon to have a desk in her room!
 Tuesday night, some friends and I met at Chuy's to celebrate our friend, Jenn's 4oth birthday!
We laughed so much and had such a great time!
 C Girl brought home an art fundraiser where you can buy your kid's artwork printed on a myriad of things/gifts. I thought C Girl's artwork was so adorable this year!

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to visit Pea Ridge. It looks like a beautiful place! My husband and I both LOVE Taco's for Life!! Such amazing food. <3


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