
Thursday, October 11, 2012

I've been on the sick train

The first part of my week was fabulous.  Our Monday night Bible Study is sooo good.  We have a lady in our church who is a wonderful therapist and she came and spoke to our group.  I don't think anyone wanted to leave!

Tuesday mornings, I also have a Bible study.  It has been a really good one and I'm sad that it is ending soon.  But, I will be joining in on the Louie Giglio Passion DVD series and I'm excited about watching it!

I had a great turnout for our October PTO meeting Tuesday afternoon!  We have some great things going on and a lot of great parents that are involved. Love doing wonderful things for our school!

Tuesday evening before bed, I started feeling kinda bad.  And then it continued during the night.  By Wednesday morning, I knew that I had a stomach virus- and not the vommy kind. I was sick ALL day yesterday.  My husband is so helpful when I don't feel well and I appreciate him so much for that.  

I feel the effects of being sick today, but PTL I don't feel like I'm still on the sick train.  

I have other things going on that I want to talk about, but I'll save that for another day.

I have a field trip with my sweet kindergartner tomorrow and I can't wait!

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