
Friday, October 12, 2012

Welcome Home 188th Fighter Wing!!! {including my brother!}

Photo from 5 News Online.

This morning, over 280 soldiers with the 188th Fighter Wing from Fort Smith, Arkansas, returned home! They were deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.  My brother, Kevin, was one of those soldiers.  
I wish that I had been able to be there!  I think this might have been the first out of 5 homecomings that I have missed for my brothers.  Keith has been to Iraq two times. Kevin has been to Iraq once and Afghanistan twice now.

Baby boy was supposed to have a field trip to a pumpkin patch this morning.  It was forecast to rain, but the decision to re-schedule the field trip was not made until about 8 am.
It ended up raining and storming cats and dogs. 
So, while I'm sad I missed his homecoming, I'm so thankful that he is home safe and sound!

We are SO proud of our soldiers!

Welcome home 188th!!!

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