
Monday, October 8, 2012

A very good weekend

We had a frost already!  It was foggy and frosty this morning!  We also had sleet on Saturday morning.  
That's pretty crazy for our area in early October.  It has definitely put me in the autumn mode though!  It practically has me in winter mode!
Before I talk about my weekend, I just want to say that I have had such a heavy heart since yesterday morning.  A former local news anchor for our area was killed in a car accident Saturday evening.  He actually had only been gone from our area for only a month or so.  
He was only a year older than me and had a beautiful wife and 10 month old baby girl.  I don't know this family personally, but seeing people on TV, you feel like you know them.  Besides that, I just completely ache for his wife.  
I just sat in shock after I read the news.  It completely floors me when I think about how quickly life can change.  We are all just an instant from everything we know being changed.  I have just prayed for this family all weekend and I've also prayed for my family.  
My husband and I talk all the time about how we have "squeezed the juice" out of every age of our kiddos and of our marriage.  I feel so blessed at what I have, but sometimes, I also get so fearful of losing it.  
Lord, help us to appreciate what we have and to "squeeze as much juice out" that we can.
We had a nice Friday night.  The kids watched a kid movie and Tim and I were able to watch a "grown up" one!
Saturday morning, we headed out to go "down South" to visit family.  The main objective of the trip was my youngest nephew Parker's 1st birthday party!  The kiddos were excited to give him his gifts!
 They got to stay the night with grandma and Pop Pop!
Saturday evening, Tim and I got to go out to dinner with Keith, Jessica and Parker.  We had a lot of fun!
Sunday was the party day!
 My brother and I.  Sure wish my other brother had been there too!
 The birthday boy and I!
Another sweet nephew!
~My love and I~
Of course, a momma starts reminiscing! My babies at just turned 1 and 2 years old-
Such a silly 1 year old boy!
 So handsome for his 1 year pics!
 She turned 1 year old while B Boy was still in the hospital after being born!
 My pretty 1 year old girl!
She loved her cake!
She had fun in the pool at her 1st birthday party!
Poor B.  He didn't have quite as much fun on his 1st!  He's still cute though!


  1. I love reminiscing when my babies were smaller.

    Love all the pictures!

    1. Gah! I know right?! Why do they have to get bigger?!


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