
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Weekend | September 15-16

I decided on Saturday morning, that if it was not pouring, I would go to the game.
Tim's sister drove up and kept the kids while we drove down to Fayetteville.
We met up with our good friends, Rick and Brittnie, at JJ's Grill
I had the BEST western burger.
At that point, it had stopped raining, so I was very excited!
Brit and I
Rick and Brittnie- love them!
Here we are after multiple rain showers.
This is going to be a very long season for our team.
The loss on Saturday was one of the worst ever for our program.
I'm praying that we can beat Rutgers next week and gain some morale for our team.
After the game, we stopped at one of our favorite restaurants- The Flying Fish.
So Good!
The kids had a blast with Aunt Karen this weekend!
We didn't go to Sunday morning church because we visited with her before she left!

A funny from Saturday- Karen said that C Girl got into her nail polish and makeup and really had her face "done up!" 
I told her that she should have taken a photo!

I took C Girl to choir and GA's tonight and I went to service.  It was really good and I really enjoyed going on Sunday night.  It's been years since I have done that!

I also got to Skype tonight with my brother who is currently in Afghanistan.
He has been there since July. This is his 4th deployment.
It's so amazing to be able to talk to him and see him.
It wasn't like this on his other deployments!
I'll be so happy when he gets to come home!

I have a lot going on this week, but I think it just seems like that to me.
I was so used to being home with the kids when they were little and not "having" to do things or go places too often. 
Now that they are in school and I am involved with other things, there is always somewhere to be.
I do enjoy it, but it is definitely taking me some time to get used to it!
So, I hope I don't sound like I am complaining about all the stuff I have going on!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good time! And yay for skyping with your brother!


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