
Friday, September 14, 2012


That is how I feel this nice, rainy Friday night.

I'm zapped from the week.  I filled in for one of our secretaries today and it was a very early wake-up this morning!

But, I push myself to blog.

I love looking back at my older posts.  There is just SO much that you forget.

Wednesday, a sweet lady from church had a bunch of ladies over for lunch and to pray for our children. I think it was SUCH an awesome idea.  It was so, so great to hear from the hearts of other mothers.  It makes you feel not so alone when you hear how everyone else has similar struggles and similar hopes and prayers for their children.

The kiddos had AWANA on Wednesday night.  They are doing AMAZING at memorizing scripture! I also forgot to mention that C Girl has started GA's on Sunday evenings and is even going to start the children's choir as well!

I cannot even begin to tell you how proud of that girl I am.  She is growing and blossoming like I could have never imagined.  I've even tweeted about it recently-
"I'm so amazed and in awe of how my girlie is blossoming. She is having less and less anxiety about new situations/people.
Church and school have been so very good for her. She is becoming so comfortable in both places. Makes a mama heart happy."
Yesterday, I spent doing PTO stuff.  Along with each school having a PTO, our district has a PTO and I started off with a meeting for that.  Then, I had to run to Walmart to pick up some groceries.

While there, I ran into- Nolan Richardson!  Crazy! You really never know who you will run into at our Walmart.

Thursday evening, our school had it's first PTO meeting.  I have worked so hard to get everything organized and completely ready for the new parents to take the reins!  We had a very good turnout!  I'm looking forward to a great year at our school with their help!  Our first event is a Fall Carnival and I cannot wait!

Tonight, I'm relaxing and cleaning my messy house!  What a wild life I lead now!

Tomorrow is another home Razorback game.  We are playing the #1 team in the country.  Please say a prayer for our team and fans!  I *should* be at the game.  Now if it is pouring, I just don't think I will be able to sit in that.  I'm really not sure what would get me to sit outside in pouring rain...

And, Tim's sister is coming for the weekend to visit!  We are so excited about spending time with her.  I love when family come to visit!

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