
Friday, September 21, 2012

Week in Review | Sept. 17-21

Monday was a well child visit for B Boy after school.  At the appointment, they informed me that he needed to be caught up on a certain immunization.  This was totally NOT in my plan for the day!  Then the nurse told us that they were already giving flu shots.  I figured we might as well get it all out of the way at the same time.
B Boy was very brave, but screamed so loud when they administered the shots.
C Girl had worked herself into a frenzy during the appointment, but when she got the shot, it did not even hurt her!
B Boy is doing great and is in the 87th percentile for height and 70th for weight! A tall boy with a very good weight!

They have begun using the iPads in his class and he is loving it!
Monday night I started a six week Bible study with ladies from Sunday School.  It's gonna be a great study and I'm very excited about it.

Tuesday morning is my regular weekly Bible study.
We had this picture taken for the church website.  It's not near all of the ladies from 4W but I just love getting to see all the lovely ladies that I have the honor of attending church with.
I've started walking in the mornings with my sweet friend/neighbor, Berkli.  It is so fun and motivating to have someone to walk with!

We had sloppy Joe's for dinner one night this week, and I promise you, it is one of my kiddo's favorite meals!  It's so funny how excited they get about it!  The oven fries and broccoli were very well liked that night too!

The weather this week has been almost perfect!  We have loved being outside and not sweating!  We even had a park play-date after school on Wednesday with April and Ryan!

Yesterday was quite a packed day.
I went for a walk, showered, straightened my hair, watched my friend Amber's 3yo girlie, then we all went to lunch, the kid's both had dentist appointments, and I had a Ladies night out with ladies from my Sunday School class.

C Girl has a lot of apprehension about things that she thinks might hurt.  So, she was very worked up about the dentist.  
Last time, they wanted to do x-rays and you have to put those things in your mouth and bite down.
Last time, it was hurting her, so she refused.  We have worked to build her up these past 6 months to get her prepared to do it this time.  She did so great!  She had no cavities, she did the x-rays and she got sealants put on her 6 year molars that I did not know had even came in!
B Boy did so good as well! He now has 3 loose teeth and 1 permanent coming in that's visible!  He also has 1 six year molar already in.  He did have two little cavities that he will have filled next week.
They both got battery powered toothbrushes to take home!

Amber and I went to McAlister's for lunch and I had the California Turkey Reuben and it was really good!

Our Ladies Night Out was called "Show us your wedding dress."  It was so fun!  We ate snacks and sat around and looked at each other's wedding photos and chatted and laughed!

I'm having lunch with my friend April today and trying out a new place.  I love eating at new places!

Tonight is Parent's Night out at church and Tim and I are excited to go out on a date!  We are trying out Ruth's Chris steakhouse for the first time.

Saturday is the next home Razorback game.  This week, we are playing Rutgers.  Tim, the kids and I are going.  I just pray so hard that we can win!

I hope you all have a very awesome weekend filled with family and great fall weather!!!

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