Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I Am... Saved. Happy. Loved. Almost 31.
I Want... a beautiful, big kitchen.
I Have... a lot to be thankful for.
I Wish... I was closer to family.
I Hate... the lack of compassion that people have for others.
I Fear... tornadoes, the interstate, deep water.
I Hear... Super Hero Squad show on the TV.
I Search... for recipes often.
I Wonder... what my kids will grow up to be/do.
I Regret... just some things in college and a few things since.
I Love... family, friends, food.
I Ache... to keep my kiddos little.
I Always... have coffee in the morning, it's a necessity.
I Usually... remember names and birthdays.
I Am Not... a morning person. At.All.
I Dance... not enough.
I Sing... in the car when I'm by myself or with Jessica and happen to have a Taylor Swift CD!
I Never... watch TV anymore, boohoo :'(
I Rarely... have a clean house
I Cry... at church, at movies, at music on the radio.
I Am Not Always... in a cheery mood. I can be pretty irritable at times.
I'm Confused...  by people feeling like they have to do things just because other people do it.
I Need... to drink more water.
I Promise... everyday to try and be a better mother, wife and friend.

Thanks for passing on this neat idea Katie!

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