
Thursday, January 28, 2016

What We Ate

I love seeing what other people eat and getting ideas for our menu because I can get stuck in the same meals over and over!
I thought I would start sharing about we have eaten over the past week. I will link to recipes where I can!

I do have to make modifications to our meals since I am dairy free. I will substitute dairy free "butter" for regular butter and almond milk (I use unsweetened original) for regular milk. I also divide certain recipes and then add cheese to the portion for Tim and the kids. 
It really hasn't been a big deal and I'm obviously feeling better by not consuming dairy which makes it all worth it!
I do have to be vigilant about reading labels because milk can be in so many things!

Here's what we ate since last Friday:

Bourbon Chicken, fried rice, sauteed green beans, and egg rolls.
This is a family favorite!
 The best meatloaf, instant mashed potatoes, and green peas. 
We can't be gourmet alllll the time. 
This was the first time making this specific meatloaf and we all loved it!
We had purple hull peas with ham (that was in the freezer saved from Christmas) on Sunday but I didn't get a picture of that meal.

 Chicken spaghetti makeover, sauteed green beans, sliced strawberries with a *little* sugar sprinkled on them.
I haven't made chicken spaghetti in a long time because the recipe I have uses "cream of" soups and I can't have any of that since I am dairy free. This turned out really good!
This is a picture of my plate. I separated the food out before I added cheese to the part for Tim and the kids. 
We actually ate this two nights in a row and had salad with it the second time.
I know this isn't a great picture. It was taken quickly after we had already eaten dinner, so it was what was left over. 
This was a recipe that I created- It is an Italian Gnocchi bake.
First, I browned up a pound of Italian sausage. Next, I placed chopped frozen broccoli florets (about half of a package), the sausage, and a package of potato gnocchi (my kids call them dumplings!) in my new Dutch oven. (side note- I got this Dutch oven in November and I have used it several times since. I love it!)
To all of that, I added a can of spaghetti sauce and about 1 cup of chicken broth to thin that out.
I baked it in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes.
It was so good and gobbled up by everyone!
Pan seared wild caught flounder, roasted russet and sweet potatoes, and salad.
A couple of other food related things:
  • I bought my first ever fresh mango this week. I watched a YouTube video to learn how to cut it! I learned that I really love fresh mango!
  • My kids used to beg to "be a tray" at school. I am big on packing their lunches, but over the last year and not feeling well, my kids have eaten at school a lot more than normal. Needless to say, they don't ask to be trays anymore. They've expressed how lunch at school really isn't that good. I find that so sad because lunch was usually pretty good when I was growing up. Do you remember the rolls and cinnamon rolls??!!!

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