
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

the weekly-ish recap {January 16-27}

Besides our snow day, I haven't been here to update in a couple of weeks.
Life has just been plugging along!
Since I have been feeling well, I've felt like catching up on things that I didn't keep up with all of last year.
Two Saturdays ago, B Boy had a birthday party to go to at the place where he had his birthday party- Gamer's Only. He loves that place!
Girlie and I made a grocery/household trip to Walmart while he was partying.
We have had a tough relationship the last year and I have been focusing on that a lot lately.
She has a strong personality (which I love) but it can be problematic at times.
Teaching children about heart and character issues is probably the hardest part of parenting to me, especially since I feel like I'm an ongoing work as well.
Speaking of which, I started a new Bible study on Sunday afternoons. 
This study could not have come at a better time.
It has been SO good so far.
After church that weekend, C Girl and I took a meal to a family who just had twin baby girls! C is enamored with these sweet babies!
I snapped this of a sunrise recently. It was so beautiful and a reminder of how much beauty we are surrounded by when we look for it.
Friday night, C Girl went to a sleepover. We let B Boy watch a movie in the playroom and Tim & I had an "at home" date and watched a movie and talked. It was so nice!
Saturday night, we finished our marathon of watching Star Wars movies!
Sunday was church and I made these turkeys take a photo with me before church!
We watched football that afternoon and we also had Sunday evening church activities. When we got home, we watched the 2nd NFL playoff game of the day and learned that the Broncos and Panthers will face off against each other in the Super Bowl. 
We are thrilled to get to see these two teams play.
Monday afternoon, our stray cat friend came in and took a long nap and even stayed while we left to take C to piano lessons! I love when she just makes herself at home!
I caught up on Downton Abbey on Monday. I'm SO sad that this is the last season. I love this show so much! My favorite quote from Sunday's episode: Lady Violet, "I haven't been down to the kitchen in 20 years!" Isabel, "Do you have your passport?!"

I love this picture on Tim's school Instagram. I'm glad they think he is a "hip principal!"
 I just started reading "The Royal We" and "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality." I have heard incredible things about EHS. I cannot wait to finish this book!
 While I was doing Tuesday folders at school yesterday, I had this flyer to put in the folders. It is starting to feel really real that my 4th grader will soon be finishing her elementary school career. I'm not ready to have a middle schooler!
I have been fighting off a little cold this week. I still have PTSD from the great ear infection of last year. I will not let that happen again!
I'm heading to a hair appointment later this morning. I'm looking forward to that.
I wish that I was going to get to hear Serial tomorrow. I'm kinda sad that they have went to a bi-weekly schedule. My other podcasts are on a little hiatus right now too so I don't have as much to listen to lately.
I guess I will start priming a bookshelf for B Boy's room tomorrow. We are revamping his organizational system and the bookshelf will house completed Lego projects! He's excited for that!


  1. Middle school after 4th grade? Our middle school starts in 6th grade and some districts around here have 6th grade centers... But maybe 5th through 8th isn't that bad. They certainly start acting like teens by 5th grade.

    1. Our middle schools are 5-6. Kids then go to Jr. High for 7-8. I think it's a good split.


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