
Sunday, December 20, 2015

the weekly recap {December 15-20}

Last week was fun, but very busy!
 The kids painted Christmas ornaments!
Tuesday night, I went to the home of a friend from church. A bunch of us donated things to help a family in need and we needed to get it all wrapped and ready to deliver.
It was so fun to talk and hang out plus the joy of being able to help others!

On Wednesday evening, I met friends for dinner to celebrate our friend, Amber's 40th birthday a little early!
Dinner was so good and the conversation was better!

Thursday was a marathon of a day.
It started with a field trip to the Amazeum with B Boy!
We had a lot of fun and I even was in charge of a group of kids for our time there.

That afternoon was the kiddos' school Christmas parties!
They were at the same time and Tim got to come too!
We spent time at one and then went to the other.
The kids had a lot of fun!
After school was piano and then dinner at Chick-fil-a. 
We had to be at the Trec Center at 6 pm for B Boy's showcase!
This is one of the Trec teachers that was also their Sunday school teacher!
 B Boy's unit this semester was called, Mad Scientist.
They learned about a lot of different scientists.
For the final project, they were put into groups to present about a specific scientist.
B's group had Louis Pasteur. 
 They taught us about his germ theory, sterilization, pasteurization, and his work with vaccines.
He did so well and is so talented in retaining knowledge and speaking in public.
We are so proud of him!
 His teacher came to see the presentation! She is precious!
 On top of everything, both vehicles were in the shop during the week.
We are so glad to have them both back and fixed!
By Friday, we were all so ready for Christmas break!
My mom wanted the kids this weekend, so Tim and I had a very rare 2 days alone!
We had a relaxing, fun time!
I got a ton done at home, Tim did some shopping, we went to dinner (sushi!), watched a movie and slept all night without an interruption!
We went to church together and then had lunch and headed to get the kiddos!
We made the Pioneer Woman's chicken tortilla soup tonight and it is our new favorite soup!
The kids even love it!
I just used diced tomatoes instead of Rotel and 1 can of black beans instead of 2.
We are watching Home Alone and enjoying treats and time together!
I'm looking forward to every minute of this break!!!

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