
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

babies, favorite things, & other fun stuff

I finished some Christmas shopping and errands on Monday.

Also on Monday, my sweet friend, Samantha, gave birth to her twin girls!!!!
C Girl and I went to visit and C was in absolute heaven! She wanted to bring those babies home!
We are so happy for Brandon and Sam!!! Welcome to the world, E and K!
 After we left the hospital, I met Tim in town to drop off the girl and I headed to a favorite things party! It was my first time attending one and it was SO FUN!
There were 17 ladies that came and everyone brings 5 unwrapped items $5 or under.
We each wrote our name on 5 pieces of paper and put them in a bowl.
Everyone gets a turn sharing their favorite item and drawing 5 names from the bowl to win their item.
I got a cute Christmas towel, Uno cards, a cranberry orange salsa, concealer, and a yummy seasoning! There was also lip gloss, jewelry, body spray, potpourri sachets, hair stuff, and static guard!
Our host, Kimberley had her house decorated so cute and she had so many yummy things to eat and drink!
We also played a game where you put a paper plate on your head and you draw what is described to you. It was a snowman and then you had to give yourself points for how much of your snowman was placed correctly. I actually did really well and ended up winning that game! I was shocked! I'm usually not good at drawing. Maybe I should draw on top of my head more often!!!
 Today has been pretty laid back. I've been checking things off of my to do list. My mentor, Susan stopped by to give me a gift and the book that we will start in January. She is a precious lady!

The weather has been in the 60's lately and the kids played outside for hours today!
Tim cooked chicken stir fry and veggies tonight and it was so good. We watched Elf with the kids before bed. It is one of my all time favorite movies. It is just the funniest! But, I always tear up when the dad starts singing and helps Santa's sleigh fly!
 I love my people! I especially love these moments during Christmas break by the glow of the tree. Magical!

I bought a Christmas scapes coloring book yesterday and I'm loving it!
C Girl has picked out a page to color too!
It's been so nice to relax, get caught up on stuff, catch up on my podcasts and just love on my family.

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