
Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving break happenings

 We had a very full Thanksgiving break! 
We had our own little Thanksgiving meal, decorated the house for Christmas, went to visit my mom, then stayed with my brother, and went to spend Thanksgiving with Tim's family. We stopped by Razorback stadium and checked out the Christmas lights at the Fayetteville and Bentonville squares on our way home!
It was my first outings since my surgery.
I did okay, but I'm still really sore.
I'm thankful for so many things and so happy that we had a wonderful holiday!
C Girl was such a huge helper this year!
We love Tim's tradition of hanging the Rudolph characters on our entry way chandelier.
C Girl helped with with making our pies this year!
Pecan pie is my favorite!
I love the glow of the Christmas tree!
We roasted Cornish game hens for our Thanksgiving meal.
Hitting the road to visit family!
This boy wanted biscuits and gravy since he had been sick for a few days prior.
Silly kids!
I love all of these guys!
Jessica and I went to watch Mockingjay Part 2! I'm so glad that we got to do something together!!!
We had a fun time visiting with grandma and Pop Pop!
Sweet cousins!
C Girl loves watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade!
We took some photos before we all went separate ways for Thanksgiving meals!
On our drive, we stopped by to photograph the home site where Tim's granny and grandad had lived. He has so many memories there!
B Boy played outside the entire time at Thanksgiving. He ended up being completely filthy! He had dirt all up and down his jeans and shirt!
There was a big spread of food and accidentally burned crescent rolls! 
Everything was good though!
the line for food!
Our annual Sparacino family photo!
We saw the glow from Razorback stadium miles away! 
We decided to go and check it out!
We drove down Dickson street in Fayetteville and the Lights of the Ozarks.
It was raining so we didn't get out, but we still got to enjoy the beautiful lights!
I loved the Razorback shaped lights!
We also stopped to see the lights at the Bentonville square! 
They added double the lights this year and I love it!

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