
Monday, November 23, 2015

life around here

I've spent the rest of the week laying around and recovering.
I really did think I would be able to do more by now. 
It's been hard to not do anything or go anywhere!

My church mentor sent me these beautiful flowers!
 We have some SILLY children!
 Sweet Sissy girl
 This boy was not feeling well on Friday, so Tim picked him up from school. 
He had to miss a field trip. He has not felt well all weekend. He even had some vomiting :-(
 She is a good helper..... sometimes!
 I've been really missing white chocolate, so I bought some dairy free white chocolate chips off of Amazon. I'm so excited about this!
We've already made white chocolate mochas!!!
We decided to start decorating for Christmas during this week and before Thanksgiving so we wouldn't be stressed about it this coming weekend. 
Since I can't do a lot, most of the work will fall to Tim and the kids.  
C Girl is a big helper with this kind of stuff! 

She has such a sparkle in her eye!
Happy Thanksgiving week!

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