
Thursday, August 6, 2015

the weekly recap {July 27-August 2 the last week of summer break!}

We tried to have some fun on the last week of our summer break!

C Girl was invited to Amazeum with some friends. She had a great time!
I took them to Braum's for lunch one day.
 We also made a trip to High Rise!
We had meet the teacher night!
We are SO excited about our teachers and classes this year!!!!
 I cannot believe that I have a 4th grader!!!
I love that this boy begged for this Superman outfit! Stay little, please!
We met friends at the park one day and had a fun time!
On Friday night, I met friends for dinner in Rogers. My pizza was good but the sausage was SO hot!
 We ended the night talking at Starbucks! We shut the place down!
On Saturday morning, we went to the farmer's market so that we could participate in the Yarnell's ice cream festival. This festival is held every July and they give out free ice cream, they have an ice cream eating contest to win a year's supply of ice cream and Tim caught me a free t-shirt right before one of the ice cream contests!
 I LOVE our square and I love that they changed the layout of the farmer's market so that the square is open to hang out on.
 Afterwards, we headed to Rogers to visit the Daisy Airgun Museum and the Rogers Historical Museum.
This was our first time to ever visit the Daisy Airgun Museum.
It was pretty neat and there was a lot of history to explore!
 The kids had just watched A Christmas Story for the first time this past Christmas, so they understood what this exhibit was about. They were even playing the movie on this antique television.
 This picture just scares me!
The Rogers Historical Museum is neat and is attached to a home that is about 120 years old. 
It is called the Hawkins House.
It was very neat to walk through and see the history and how people lived.
 We locked them up in jail!
 We finished the afternoon off with yummy Mexican! 
I LOVE the salsa and chips from Las Palmas!
 The kids have been learning to chop and slice fruits and vegetables this summer!
B Boy has been going to a neighbor's house this summer to play basketball on Sundays with a bunch of other boys. He has learned so much and I'm so thankful for the dads who are helping them learn!

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