
Monday, August 3, 2015

the weekly recap {July 20-26 church camp and Museum of Native American History}

C Girl has had so many big things happening this year.
We allowed her to attend church camp this year! This is the first year that she was of age to go and she was so excited!
I was nervous because it was my first time sending her to an overnight camp.
She was there from Monday morning until Friday morning.
 She had friends from church going and a friend from school!
They had theme nights every night and she had fun dressing up!
My sweet friend, Ginger was her counselor for the week and sent me a lot of pictures!
She had such a great time at camp!
I was so happy to see her on Friday!!!
B Boy was swimming with a friend so I got to pick her up and talk without interruption!
I think she only brushed her teeth a couple of times that week but, hey she'll get better with that, right?!
Thank you for taking care of my girlie Ginger!
I tried doing a few fun things with B Boy while she was at camp.
He had a couple of playdates, lots of screen time (oops) and we visited the Museum of Native American History.
It is such a neat little gem in our town. And it's free!
We took him to one of his favorite restaurants- Lin's Garden.
(He loves chicken on a stick.)
C Girl yelled at me to come to the shower when she was in there one day. 
She HAD to show me this bubble from her body wash!!!
I started getting an awful headache that Friday night. By Saturday, it was the worst headache I have ever had in my life. My back hurt and I had fever. I tried going to convenient care, but they referred me to the ER. They ran all kinds of tests, but I declined the spinal tap due to the risk of infection. I was never diagnosed, but I 'm pretty sure I had a mild case of meningitis. They put me on a round of antibiotics. I pretty much spent the entire month of July on antibiotics. I'm mostly feeling better now, but I have to focus on getting my hemoglobin number up and working on my immune system. I will be seeing an immunologist soon.

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