
Friday, July 24, 2015

the weekly recap {July 5-12 Devil's Den & VBS}

Our last adventure with the Geels family was visiting Devil's Den State Park.
These 3 kiddos love to play in the creek!
He loves skipping rocks.
Tim taught them how to search for and catch crawdads.
We also took a 1.5 mile hike.
It was pretty hot, but everyone did fairly well!
Parker wanted to do everything with B Boy all week <3
It's a July miracle - the are all looking and smiling!!!
They left the next morning and we started our week of vacation Bible school!
The theme this year was, Everest- conquering challenges with God's mighty power.
The kids had great leaders, great groups and a great week!
We had nearly 700 kids every day!
Our church helps a tiny community in southeast Arkansas. 
Every year during VBS, we collect school supplies to send to them and we hold a VBS there too.
Our pastor's wife and another lady have this running skit every year to help excite the kids about giving. Their "names" are Mrs. Fruit Salad and Mrs. Hot Tamale. They dress up and are SO funny! It's one of my favorite parts of VBS. This year, Mrs. Fruit Salad could not be there, so my friend, Elizabeth filled in as, Senorita Sopapilla! She did such a great job! It was so funny!
I helped in crafts for the second year in a row. I just love the precious friends that I get to work with every day in VBS!

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