
Monday, July 20, 2015

4th of July weekend

We had so much fun while Jessica and Parker were visiting!
We made a trip to the Wild Wilderness Safari in Gentry.
No matter how many times we go to this place, we ALWAYS have a fantastic time!
The peacocks are free range and I love when they open their feathers!
What a sweet kangaroo!
Hi Pumba!
"when I was a young warthog! when he was a young warthoooog!"
This chimp was a hoot!
We were lucky to be able to feed the giraffes!
Baby kittens are my absolute FAVORITE!
There were so many baby animals during our visit this time.
The emus kill me every time!
Someone was feeding the prairie dogs some Cheeto puffs!
We have so much fun, even trips to Walmart!
We had fresh corn for dinner one night and we had all of the kids shuck it!
Saturday morning, we headed to the square for one of our favorite 4th of July traditions - the bike parade!
We hope Parker will join in on the ride next year!
My precious family <3
My mom, dad and Keith drove up to have lunch with all of us!
We had very yummy food!
Tim bought a bocce game set and we all fun learning to play!
Here is my post detailing what we did on the night of the 4th!

It was a great weekend with family!

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