
Monday, June 15, 2015

Pan seared, caramelized honey-garlic carrots

I am always searching for new ways to cook vegetables, specifically to entice my children to eat them. They are actually really good eaters, but age has brought about more pickiness. 

We typically steam carrots and serve with honey drizzled over them.
This recipe takes it to the next level with the carmelization.
I l-o-v-e carmelization! It brings out those sugars!

You will need:
5-6 medium carrots, sliced into coins or whatever shape you prefer
olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
honey for drizzling- maybe 1 Tbsp?

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the oil, then the carrots. Salt and pepper them. Cook, rolling the carrots occasionally so that they brown on all sides. How long you cook them is your preference. I like to cook them until they are pretty brown and soft. Remove carrots to a serving dish and toss with the garlic and honey. Serve warm.

1 comment:

  1. Those look delicious! I would love to try these at Christmas as a vegetable side dish. They would really add a distinct flavor to all those heavier, higher carb foods we tend to eat.


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