
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our weekend, an apology, and a video

Before I tell you about my weekend, I want to apologize.  I try so very hard not to ever say something that might be hurtful.  I realize now that telling everyone that the Facebook "thankful" posts annoyed me sometimes, may have been hurtful. I never did mean all of the posts, but, the fact that I said that may have made someone feel like I directed it at them.  I never want anyone to feel bad.
Friday night was our Sunday school class Christmas party.  I'm feel so blessed to be a part of a wonderful church and Sunday school class. Church is such a part of my life and I'm so thankful for all the people that we get to worship and fellowship with.   I love that my kids are friends with a lot of their kids.  It's just a big, big blessing.

Saturday morning, we headed out to Home Depot for one of the kid's workshops.  The kiddos built and painted a picture frame.
Afterwards, we ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday and then went and did some Christmas shopping.  
We also started a fun, new tradition.  Every night from Dec. 1 through Christmas Eve, we will unwrap a Christmas book to read!  The kids had a blast with the first night! They will take turns opening the books!
I also finished reading The 5 Love Languages.  This is an incredible book!  I highly recommend it to anyone.  It will change how you love people.  The way that it explains the different types of love languages and how you can apply to each one is just great!

Sunday morning was the first Sunday of the Advent season.  The children's choirs performed in main service this morning.  C Girl is in the 1st-4th grade choir this year. We are so very proud of her.  She was not nervous about singing at all!  She has come a long way! 
She has always been very timid and "shy-ish."  She is really blossoming a becoming a young lady (eeeeek!) 
Her AWANA teacher told me this week that C Girl had raised her hand and volunteered to go to the front and to the microphone to say the AWANA verse in front of everyone! She was impressed with her great memory of scripture and the fact that she went in front of everyone and recited it.  I was shocked to hear all of this!  My C Girl is really growing up!
Please forgive my "wonderful" filming skills, but here is her church performance(hopefully I will get a better video next week at the regular performance!).  I loved every second of hearing these sweet children sing this song! C is on the front row :)

Now, to Sunday afternoon.  My poor C Girlie has got the dreaded stomach bug.  She has vomited all afternoon/evening.  She will be staying home with momma tomorrow.  Say a little prayer for her please :)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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