
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How can you be a blessing?

Our women's ministry director was welcoming us to Bible study yesterday and she was talking about how much she loved reading everyone's "thankful" posts throughout November on Facebook.  I felt a bit guilty after she said that, because sometimes, they really annoy me.  

Please don't say I'm the only one.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm so thankful for so many things and I even journaled a lot of it.  I just didn't put them on Facebook. (No offense to anyone who did!)

She went on to say that wouldn't it be neat if December was all about blessings.  We could say things that we are blessed with or that bless us, and we could also be a blessing to someone else.  I loved her idea.
I hope that I can be a blessing to someone every day in December.  What ideas do you have to be a blessing to someone else?

Today was one of those days where I did not want to do anything or go anywhere.  However, I had committed to being a volunteer in my daughter's classroom every Wednesday.  I could have just told her teacher that I did not feel well, but I didn't.  I went and I am so glad that I did.  Volunteering in her class is truly a blessing to me.  Those kiddos are so very precious.  I love being able to help.  I also love being able to help the teacher do things that she does not always have time for.  I know what I am doing is blessing to all of them, but it also really blesses me!

Three of my biggest blessings-
These two slay me sometimes! We were all watching How the Grinch stole Christmas last night. It's one of Daddy's favorite Christmas movies :-)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't do the daily thanks on Facebook either. But I also like the idea of trying to be a blessing to others in December. Going to give it a try.


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