
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanks in all things

What a wonderful scripture that is.  It tells us not to just be thankful for things, but to also be thankful IN all things.  Sometimes, that is very hard to do!

We are gearing up for a little Thanksgiving that we do as a family of four every Thanksgiving Eve.  I love me some traditions.
The menu for tonight is very simple:

  • Rotisserie chicken from Walmart
  • Crockpot dressing
  • Baked sweet potato topped with butter and brown sugar
  • Roasted asparagus
  • Homemade yeast rolls that we bought from the school 
  • My famous pecan pie
Our menu for tomorrow definitely has more food.  We do Thanksgiving "potluck" style.
  • appetizers
  • Turkey
  • Dressing
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Deviled eggs
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Green Beans
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Rolls
  • Desserts!
  • Sweet Tea, soda and water
I love being with family. Coming from a childhood where we were not close to relatives makes me truly savor family now.  I feel like I have so much family now between mine, Tim's, my brother's families, my brother's wives families and my friend's families.  I feel very, very blessed.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving friends!!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving eve! We also do potluck style Thanksgiving at my house. It's the only time both mine and Hubby's families come together as one big group. Always a fun time.

  2. I am so fuLL! Happy Thanksgiving:) I’ve a great giveaway going on now. Come link up:)


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