
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Magic in the Mundane

Last week, I wrote a "day in the life" post everyday. If they bored you, I'm sorry. They were truly only for my memoirs. 

I started writing in a journal right before Tim and I got married. Although, I did not write in it super frequently, those glimpses into my life during those times is priceless. 

You always think that you will not forget how life is "right now," but I speak as a person with almost 10 years of marriage under my belt- yes, you will. 

As the momma of a 6 & 7 year old, I can tell you- yes, you will. 

I love looking back on simple, mundane posts. Posts where I just say what is going on or what we have been up to. 

There is magic in the mundane. 

It's a quiet magic, one that sneaks up on you as the years pass. It is fond recollections of days and kiddos and life. 

There is magic in the big moments, yes. But, don't overlook the magic in the everyday stuff.

The mundane right now-

Games of Sorry with the kids

Getting in the Thanksgiving/Christmas spirit

Cleaning the house for guests

Anticipating a break from school

Thinking about all the yummy things we will eat over the break- we are a family who really, really likes good food!

Enjoying NO obligations this week!

Anticipating the holidays in general 

Trying to not let seasonal affective disorder get to me until January! Hopefully not even then!


  1. I love this post, sounds like an awesome week for y'all! I am really looking forward to my boy being old enough for game night / playing board games. :)

    And, I may just have to do a "magic in the mundane" myself this week, it's a great prompt!


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