
Monday, October 1, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

We played hooky on Friday and headed over to the Tulsa Zoo!
We love this zoo.
This picture makes me a little sad, because oh my word how they have grown!
 My lovies
 We loved seeing the new Sea Lion Cove exhibit!
 One of 3 different types of bears the zoo has.
HUGE tortoises! 
golden headed lion tamarins :)
 and the ever fun Children's zoo
Of course my kiddos were sneezing their heads off!
They must be allergic to sheep and goats!
She is SUCH a poser these days :)
 We stayed at a hotel with an indoor pool, so we did some swimming!
The kiddos LOVED it!
We also went and ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!
It was delicious.
You need to eat the fried macaroni and cheese. Seriously.
Our cheesecake for dessert was seriously good too!


  1. I always loved playing hooky from school for fun stuff like the zoo. Love the pictures!

  2. I really need to get my kids up to the Tulsa zoo. I've heard it's a lot of fun. Your pictures made it look a lot better than I thought it would!


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