
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Missing you...

Two years ago today, we lost one of the most important people in our lives- Nan.
My heart is still so raw.
Will it ever not be?
I have a hard time thinking of her because we all miss her so much. 
She was the best mother, the best friend, and definitely the best Nan.
2004- my moms
Nan and sweet baby C Girl
With C Girl at age 2 years and 4 months
Nan at the beach with us 2007. Little 10 month old B Boy
Sweet Nan kisses on his 3rd birthday!
September 2010
Nan, they miss your house and your chocolate milk and peppermint candy and all the fun they used to have with you.
I wish every day that you were still here.
We love you so much.

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