
Friday, August 24, 2012

My Week

My early week was definitely < my later in the week.

It started with an issue with our car we had to get fixed. $$$

Then some unnecessary drama. :-(

And some very overly tired children caused some drama. 

Poor babies.

They are LOVING school and doing so good!  

But, the boy child did not get enough sleep one night and then didn't nap at school that day, and let's just say that evening was not enjoyable at all.

Last night was awesome though!

They always have lots to tell about their day!  They have made new friends, been to all their special classes, C Girl is loving the reading "tests" they have been having,  and B Boy said that he was line leader yesterday :-)
oh my goodness, they are holding hands! My momma heart loves it!
At dinner is when we talk about our high points of the day.

And it was so lovely outside last night, so we all played outside for awhile.

After that, it was bath, stories, snack, and bed!

Yesterday, my friend April and I went to Olive Garden for lunch and then we and got pedicures!  It was such a nice treat! I really needed to relax and enjoy myself for a bit.  I'm very, very thankful for the great friends that I have.  Our friend Jennifer was going to join us, but she is due on Saturday to have a baby, so we completely understand that uncomfortableness!  We can't wait to meet that baby girl!

Today, I have SO much to do! Cleaning house, baking cakes, getting ready for our family evening tonight, and getting ready for company tomorrow!  I cannot wait to see Keith, Jessica, & Parker.  And, on Sunday, I can't wait to see the rest of our family!


I always love hearing from you!