
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


That's the way I feel that it has been around here for the past couple of weeks.

We are all adjusting to being in the school routine again.

I'm adjusting to wearing a retainer.  

I'm adjusting to being in charge of PTO (Lord, help me!)

The car has had issues and the cat has been sick and it took 3 days to get ready for the kid's birthday party.  

I've had emails galore, but I really do love email.  It's basically became my to-do list!

There are SO MANY things to do and so not enough time to do them.  

I know that most of the time, I overwhelm myself and it seems worse.  

The calendar is busy with appointments and spelling tests and Bible study and AWANA and Razorback games  and Bentonville games and PTO and there is more stuff I am sure.

But, there is one glorious thing coming up on the calendar- Labor Day!!!  I'm ready for a day off!

I've been mostly absent from Twitter and Facebook lately, because ohmyword it is election season and I don't know how much I can take!

I'm hoping we get nice rain from Isaac, but no damage please!

And I'm finally getting my hair done Friday!

And the first Razorback game is Saturday night! Go Hogs!

I need a break!!!

Labor Day-  you and I are going to have a nice time!


  1. Replies
    1. it is, and I try to focus on the wonderfulness and not on being overwhelmed!


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