
Saturday, March 26, 2016

the weekly recap {March 16-25}

We have been enjoying spring break this week so I have not been updating the blog much this month!
Last week, C Girl had a rough ortho appointment. They had to tighten up some things that were not normally so tight and it caused her a lot of pain. After some pain meds, we stopped at Aldi to pick up her favorite fruit snacks!
That night at Awana, B Boy finished his book! He has finished his book every year and we could not be more proud of his hard work and dedication!
We also celebrated St. Paddy's day by donning green clothing! I love holidays and I'm glad my people do as well!
We have all been enjoying March Madness. My bracket is dead since Michigan State lost. I'm still accumulating points but I don't think I can win!
 B Boy had his first baseball scrimmage last Saturday! Regular games start next month and he is so excited!
While the boys were at baseball, us girls went shopping and had lunch together! It was a fun girl time!!!
Sunday was a super relaxing day. We went to church in the morning, but all Sunday evening activities were cancelled for spring break and it was SO NICE to just hang out at home! We love our activities but breaks are so good for the soul!
Monday was a busy day! We ran so many errands! We did a car oil change, took my sharps from the last year to solid waste, library, bank (C deposited money & so funny watching the teller count all of her change!) lunch at Social Taco, dropped daddy's glove to be re-laced, Kohl's, swept & mopped, piano lessons, bike riding, yummy supper and cupcakes baked by C Girl! 
We had been doing our errands on Monday so that we could enjoy the week. On Tuesday, we took the kids to grandma and Pop Pop's house to stay for a few days! They were so excited!
We got to visit with Jessica and Parker a bit too!
Tim and I were very excited to have a couple of days to ourselves! We had dinner at our favorite Mexican place when we got home! We walked around downtown Bentonville and went in to some new stores we had not been to yet! We watched Bridge of Spies that night and it was a really good movie!
The next day after a late breakfast, we headed out for the day. We picked up Tim's glove, went to an antique store, had lunch at Pei Wei (my fave!) We went to Crystal Bridges that afternoon to view a new photography exhibit and then grabbed a movie for the night. We rented Spotlight and it was SUCH a good movie. Highly recommend!
It was a good break, but we were happy to have these two back! We grabbed Pizza Hut before heading back to NWA! We had to buy the boy a new baseball bat because he has gotten too tall for his old one. Who knew that was a thing?! Not me! He had baseball practice Thursday night even though the fields were closed. Our coach happens to own a big building where they can practice. I guess that's a good thing!
Friday was a gorgeous day and we had planned to take the kids fishing.
Tim loves to fish and we hope to take them more often!
We have fished this little lake before without much luck so we weren't very optimistic. Apparently, it is stocked with bream, catfish, bass, and trout.
It was a slow start, but then C Girl found a sweet spot and ended up catching 6 fish!
B Boy made friends with a gentleman that was trout fishing close by. He let B Boy reel one in and then shared some of his trout bait for B to fish with. 
I love watching this man fish. He gets frustrated because I know he would love to just sit and fish alone, but he has such patience teaching the kids and fixing their poles every 5 minutes!
It was such a relaxing afternoon & the sun felt so good and I really enjoyed getting my big camera out and taking some pictures. That's my happy place :-)
This girl loves to dig in the tackle box!
Look at this girl reeling one in! Both kids learned to cast really well that day too!
C girl was quite the fisherman!

Our lake is right beside our little town airport so we watched several planes/jets take off and land.
We were about to pack up and leave, but Tim had a trout line and a catfish line in. B Boy walked up and said, is that line getting a bite? He picked up the pole and reeled in a trout!!!! It was so crazy funny!
Pictures of their earlier in the day catches-
Such joy on her face!
B Boy's trout!
We headed home and made beef enchiladas for dinner. We had worked up an appetite and we cleaned out the entire pan!
Afterwards, we left for Good Friday service at church. A representative from Kanakuk came to do a demonstration on building the cross and talked about Jesus' death and resurrection.

I love Holy Week so much. I feel like it is so important to remember and reflect on the events leading up to the cross every year. It is the foundation of our faith. I'm so thankful that our church celebrates Good Friday. My church growing up did not and I did not understand the full relevance of the entire week.
An update on my health- after some mix ups with the clinic and getting information to the right place, my orders have been sent to the clinic out of state. Frustratingly, they are waiting on confirmation from my insurance even though that has already been completed. Hopefully, I will have a test scheduled early next week. I have been in pain since February 10th. It has been such a hard road. I'm in pain after every meal. That is so miserable for someone who really enjoys food. The prednisone that I'm taking has helped only slightly. I've had to rely on eating little and taking pain meds. With everything taking this long, I have definitely second guessed myself if I made the right decision with trying to be an advocate for myself. I've had at least 5 CT's in my life and they contain a ton of radiation. With my condition, scans of this kind are the best way to find out what is going on. This MRI that I am going to have done will show everything they need to see, but with much less radiation. The hang up has been that the closest place to get it done is out of state and out of network. I'm praying that it was the best decision and I will be having the test very soon. I'm nervous to find out what the results are and where we will go with treatment afterwards.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter! I'll be back soon sharing our Easter weekend fun!

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