
Monday, February 15, 2016

the weekly recap {February 9-15}

This week felt so weird because we didn't get home until Monday evening and the kids were out of school on Friday. It was a short, but full week!

Tuesday started off with a meeting with my church mentor. We are going through the book, Evangelism Explosion. It will definitely be an asset in helping me to share my testimony and faith.

I also had my regular Tuesday folder duty for B Boy's teacher. It's nice to be able to pop in once a week and say hello!

The kids had Awana on Wednesday night. B Boy has been blowing through his book. He is really determined to finish his book again this year. He amazes me with his memorization capabilities!

C Girl made her Valentine's box in early January. It's safe to say that she loves the holiday!
They finished up their Valentine's on Tuesday evening. I love that C Girl made hers entirely by herself.
The kids had Valentine's parties at school on Thursday.
 It was a little bittersweet because it was C Girl's last Valentine's party. 
She was devastated to learn that middle school did not have holiday parties.
 C Girl and her BFF
 The girls in her class and her teacher
 B Boy and one of his good friends
 They had so much fun!
B Boy traded his Rubix cube for a friend's pyrmamix for the week. He solved it the same afternoon that he brought it home!

Thursday evening, we had our babysitter come and Tim and I went out to celebrate Valentine's Day!
 We ate at Fred's Hickory Inn. Tim had a ribeye and I had the trout almondine. It was a delicious meal!
 We also went to the movies and saw The Martian. It was a great movie!!! I love Matt Damon!
 A boy from Bentonville, Thomas Stringfellow made it to the top 24 of American Idol!
I can't wait to see how far he goes!
B Boy loved the Super Bowl shirt we got him!
He's a fan of both teams and loved that it listed players names on it!
She loves to create and craft!
 They got their Valentine's package from Aunt Marie! She always sends fun treats and they get so excited when they see boxes from her!
 We had homemade pizza Friday night and watched Jumanji that we had recorded on the DVR.
We really enjoyed it and it made me miss Robin Williams so much. He was an incredible actor!
 We celebrated Valentine's as a family on Saturday morning. The kiddos always get a balloon and a little surprise!
 I took the time to research how to use filters on Snapchat. I'm a little obsessed now. lol.
 We weren't able to attend, but Tim's nephew and wife had a gender reveal party on Saturday. 
They are having a sweet baby boy! We will have two new great nephews this year.
How fun to have a camel announce the gender!
We had ribeyes, asparagus, and baked potatoes Saturday night for a Valentine's treat. 
We also watched Hook with the kids. Another classic Robin Williams movie to introduce them to.
We went to church Sunday morning and I felt great. After church, I began to feel achy. I took a bath to warm up and relax my body. When I got out, I had chills and was very achy. Tim took my temperature and I had a fever. 
Since I take Humira, I'm immunosuppressed and it always concerns me when I get sick. I was afraid that I might have the flu, so we headed to the convenient care to be seen.
They drew blood, swabbed me for the flu and strep.

I had some other issues that I also mentioned in passing, but nothing added up immediately. My WB count was elevated but all other tests were negative. I left defeated wondering what my body was up to now. Later that night, I got a phone call from the doctor. She had been discussing me with a colleague and they came to the conclusion that it was a flare up. I've probably had them before I was diagnosed and did not know that's what it was. I'm so, so grateful for caring physicians! Especially when they aren't your normal doctor.
I've been feeling so well since my treatment and especially after my surgery that I had forgotten that my Crohn's could "flare up." It is a very unpleasant experience. I have felt awful the past two days. They called in some medicine and I think it is beginning to lower the inflammation.
Tim snuck this lovely pic of me

Tim stayed home today because we had multiple appointments scheduled and I have been trying to rest and recover.
Between a dental appointment and piano, he took them for a frozen custard treat.
He is definitely the fun parent!
I'm so thankful he is such a wonderful partner, husband, daddy and my best friend.
We are watching the Grammy's tonight and I think it's been a great show so far! My girl, Taylor Swift killed it with the opening number!

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