
Monday, February 22, 2016

a trip to Little Rock and the rest of the week

A little note about my Crohn's flare up- apparently, even while on treatment, you can still have a flare up of the disease. This was not something I was expecting and I'm not sure what, if anything, triggered it. I had to get a different prescription than I was initially given and I'm still today experiencing pain after I eat. I have an appointment with my GI this week so hopefully we can get this kicked. I've had to dip into my pain medicine to get through the days and still be able to have fun.
Last week, the kids were on February intercession. Tim had a work trip to Little Rock, so we got to tag along!
We stopped in Russellville to eat at one of our favorite places--- Taco Villa!
We stayed at the Doubletree and the kids were thrilled to eat the cookies they put in the rooms!
Kids having "device" time. Lol.
On Wednesday, Tim had to attend his conference, so the kids and I walked down to the River Market.
I thought these banners were cute and funny :-)
We have a Flying Fish in Bentonville and I knew the kids would like it. It was fun visiting the original one!
Our main purpose of the day was to visit the Museum of Discovery! We had never been before!
It was a very cool place!
The kids got to pretend to be weather anchors. It was so funny! I took some video because it was so neat!
They loved pretending to forecast the weather. They even had a prompter to read from!
Daddy got finished early and came to join us!
They had such cool exhibits and it was perfect for the kids' ages.
The human body exhibit was so neat!
This mind game was so fun!
One really cool thing was the bed of nails. We laid down on the bed nails and the nails lifted us up with no pain!
I was a little nervous!
The kids loved it!
I love that B Boy loves to journal :-)
We traipsed into the River Market a bit!
 The kids wanted to be on this stage!
 We found this little telephone library! So cute!
 We hopped in the Statehouse Convention Center and the kids HAD to go up and down the escalator!
 Our final stop was the Old Statehouse Museum.
 The 1836 House of Representatives was neat to see!
 State of Arkansas dinner china!
 The kids wanted a souvenir so badly. They found this penny press that pressed the emblem of the museum on them. I spent $1.02 to press two pennies. The kids were thrilled and I was happy to spend so little on something they could keep and see that it came from somewhere we visited!
 a view of downtown Little Rock
We got home from our trip Thursday night.
Friday, I watched my friend, Laurie's girls in the afternoon so she could go out of town.
Tim and B Boy went to a men's event at church to hear former KC Chiefs QB, Brodie Croyle speak. B Boy is into sports with every fiber of his being, so he was super pumped to go.
They had a great time and it was a wonderful event!
On Saturday, it was 73 degrees! I still wasn't feeling that great, but I knew that I needed to get outside.
We took a short hike on the Crystal Bridges trail.
The museum is this magnificent structure nestled in the middle of the woods!
 After our hike, Tim took B Boy to baseball tryouts. The season is starting soon!
 After they got home, we decided to go see Kung Fu Panda 3! I have such a soft spot for these movies - it was the first movie we took C Girl to see. I still remember watching the wonder in her face. Experiencing life with your kids is the BEST.
It was such a great movie! Usually by the third movie, a franchise can lose some greatness but Kung Fu Panda delivers!
 We finished the night with Steak and Shake!
We went to church on Sunday, ate lunch at Flying Fish and then had our Sunday evening activities. 
Sundays are pretty busy right now. B Boy has a neighborhood basketball clinic for a couple of hours, C Girl has choir practice and has to be there early for her special part in the musical, I have Bible Study, and then Tim brings B for RA's, C has GA's and Tim and I go to the evening service. It's a lot, but it's all good stuff!

The theme of today was ALL THE ERRANDS! I had an early dentist appointment, a trip to the library, paid a bill, picked up prescriptions for Tim and a few other things at Walmart, washed the van, got my blood drawn, and came home to clean the inside of the van and do some other things in the garage. I also had some emails to send out for Sunday school. Tonight has been laid back watching TV with the family- something we rarely do! Tonight, I get to start on our taxes. So exciting! Not!

I hope your week is great! This is a busy week for me, but I so enjoy running a household and taking care of my family. I love feeling well enough to check a bunch of stuff off of my to do list!

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