
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas with my family and Star Wars!

We ended up having to postpone our Christmas celebration with Tim's family.
It rained so much that roads were flooding and some of his family could not get here.

Yesterday, we celebrated with my family.
This isn't my picture, but it shows an area of road that we encountered on the way there. 
We had to turn around and find an alternate route.
The flooding has been really serious here.
We had the best time with family!
I tried to take a "candid" photo of the kids eating at the table, but they kept trying to sabotage my efforts!
He is a ham!
and so is this guy!
All the grandkids on my side of the family :-)
He got some great books!
Sweet little cousins!
Love these boy cousins!
She loved her gifts!
The brothers and I!
These crazy boys!
A girlie Nerf gun!
When we got home last night, this girl was waiting on us!
C Girl spent the night at a birthday sleepover last night. They had a lot of fun and stayed up really late!

Today, we went to see the new Star Wars movie! It was so good!
We ate dinner at Olive Garden and I tried the Pasta e Fagioli soup and it was amazing! I found a recipe for it and I'm making it very soon!
We set up her mini trampoline that she got from grandma!
Tomorrow is a busy day and we will have our traditional tacos and game night to celebrate the new year!

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