
Saturday, November 7, 2015

there is always something to be thankful for

I know I haven't shared a lot of personal details of my life lately. 
I feel like most of my posts are "here, this is what we've done lately." 
I feel like this last year has been one of the weirdest in my life. I had no idea that finding out that I have a chronic disease would make me feel the way I do. And now knowing that I have chronic iron deficiency anemia on top of that is just...I don't even know.
I don't want to sound like I am complaining or that I talk about it all of the time.
I've been so nervous about my upcoming surgery and I don't know why.
I have felt very isolated. That seems so strange since I'm around people pretty often.
I have wonderful, supportive friends and family, yet I still feel so inside my own head.
Maybe I have retreated there because I'm not sure how to cope?
Don't get me wrong, life is very good. 
I always enjoy life and make the most of it, but sometimes you just don't feel like yourself.
This week, C Girl had an eye appointment (everything is fine. She didn't pass the school test so we had to have an exam and her eyes are fine), I went to a baby shower for my friend, Samantha who is having twin girls next month (!!!!) and I came down with a yucky cold and then a gross cold sore.
The last two items did not help my joy factor this week!
I was intense with doing all the things you do to get rid of a cold. I think it worked because I was only terribly sick for 2-3 days. Usually, a cold lasts longer than that and sometimes turns into bronchitis.
There is always something to be thankful for.
I'm thankful to be feeling better.
I'm thankful that it is the weekend.
I'm thankful for my kiddos - they are happy, healthy and so creative!
I'm thankful for family and friends who offer all kinds of help to us during my surgery time.
I'm thankful for the Razorbacks winning against Ole Miss a little while ago!!! It was an incredible game!
I know our kids will remember watching these games and that is so fun to me.
If you think of me, will you pray that my surgery goes well this week?
I will update as soon as I can.
She was so proud of the outfit that she picked out!
He creates such cool things!
 I took this picture before all of the food was set out!
We don't just eat veggies!!!!
We are so excited to meet these twin girlies next month!

1 comment:

I always love hearing from you!