
Monday, November 2, 2015

Silver Dollar City and the rest of the week

On October 21st, we took a family trip to Branson to go to Silver Dollar City!!!
It was a beautiful, beautiful day and it was during their Harvest festival so it was decorated so fun!
We saw a chipmunk!
C Girl thought she was going to ride a roller coaster until she saw them!
We had fun riding smaller rides!
These are some of my favorite pictures ever!
How cute!!!
Tim got C Girl on a roller coaster because she couldn't see it!!!
 the little kid roller coaster!
 We had such a fun day together!
 We went to Branson Landing to have dinner at Joe's Crab Shack!
We spent the rest of the week trying to relax and do fall stuff.
I introduced them to Hocus Pocus!
 They also played Monopoly one morning!
 That Saturday evening, we watched our Razorbacks beat Auburn and then headed to a fall Sunday School Social. It was a fun evening and ended with this beautiful sunset!

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