
Friday, October 30, 2015

a family wedding

On Saturday, October 17th, we were traveling out of town for Tim's nephew's wedding.
Before we could leave, Tim went to EdCampNWA to be their keynote speaker.
I'm so proud of all of his hard work and accomplishments. He is so good at what he does.
C Girl is in to all kinds or artsy stuff. She was calling herself an artist on the move!
The place where they had the wedding was so beautiful!!! 
The reception was beautiful too!
C Girl was so into this wedding! 
She even took this picture of the bride and groom's first dance!
We love getting to see family!
We are so happy for Nathan and Paige!
The next day we had church and family photos!
Week 2 of October break started with C Girl getting to paint ceramic horses that she got for her birthday.

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