
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Recappin' {August 26-Sept 10}

The day of B Boy's surgery, friends from school brought cards, coloring book and chocolate shake by that evening. It was so kind and thoughtful!
 We just hung at the house and took care of the boy the rest of the week.
 He started to go downhill on Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty tough.
Wednesday, I took him to school to have his yearbook picture made but then brought him back home.

C Girl picked out her school picture outfit. She is very independent and opinionated lately, more so than usual!
 I sent B Boy back to school on Thursday. C had an ortho appointment. They removed her bottom expander and then added a few more brackets.

B Boy did great and made it through the entire school day!
He had to miss recess until this week and that was a little hard on him.
 The kids were out of school on Friday and Monday for the holiday. They were thrilled that I wanted to clean out the playroom. Ha ha.
 Saturday morning, the kids were up bright and early and excited about the Razorbacks season opener game!
The Hogs crushed UTEP and we are No. 18 in the country!
I drove to Ft. Smith to meet Jessica so that we could have a friend day! We haven't had one of these in a very long time and it was much needed! We got pedicures, had lunch and then did some shopping! So fun!!!
 We laugh so much!
 Sunday morning, the whole family was back at church! B Boy is now in the same children's church group as C Girl.
 Monday was Labor Day and we had a nice day at home. 
We grilled yummy burgers for dinner. 
B Boy finally started getting his appetite back!
 I pulled out the DSLR this week.
Tuesday was the start of fall Bible study at church.
I'm doing Fight Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg.
I was glad to get to hear from her recently and I'm reading the book that goes with this. 
I know that I could definitely use some more joy in my life.
I will be looking for #joybombs!
My joybomb for Tuesday was getting to know a new lady that came to our Sunday school class. 
We chatted after Bible study and she is so sweet!
Margaret Feinberg commented on my blog! What!!!

 I'm so very happy to see this sweet boy back to his normal self again!
He is doing a Mad Scientist unit at Trec this semester and he is very excited about that!
Wednesday morning, I met with my mentor, Susan. We have the best time talking and discussing the book we are going through. It almost feels like a counseling session every two weeks. I love her so much!
After meeting with her, I headed to school for a PTO meeting. I'm going to be more involved at school this year, hopefully!

 Wednesday night, Awana started up again at church. Again, B Boy is now in the same group as C Girl. They are both such big kids now. [tear]

Thursday morning, I had a BPTO meeting and then I rushed over to be with C Girl on her field trip to the Peel Mansion. I missed a few stations but I really enjoyed the time I did get to spend with her there! I also got to know another mom in her class. I'm trying really hard to be involved more this year and to get to know other moms better. The past couple of years I haven't done this as well. My health took such a toll on everything :-(
Learning about pioneer life.
 Racing with potatoes on spoons!
 Bobbing for apples!
 The Peel Mansion is so beautiful and has so much history!!!

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