
Monday, August 31, 2015

the weekly recap {August 17-24}

This post is going back a bit to August 17th. This was the day after C Girl's birthday. It is also Tim's sister, Karen's birthday!!! I went to eat lunch with my newly 10 year old girlie!!!
She was also "celebrity of the week" at school. This is student of the week, but with a cool name change.
That week, I had a painful cold sore, crazy allergies (ended up having to go to the dr and get a steroid shot) and I had to get an old filling replaced. Some weeks it all falls apart!!!
 However, the weather has been AMAZING lately. We are used to hot and muggy August weather and it has been cool at times and so nice to be outside!
We started doing a Bible devotional at night when we have the opportunity. I've really enjoyed this family time together. It definitely makes bedtime go smoother and calmer. I love watching C Girl get her Bible, journal and pen out! She started this for camp this summer and she has continued using it!
I had meeting with my mentor and we always have such a good time visiting! I also visited the older gentleman from church that I visit. He will be 99 years old in October and still goes to work at his jewelry store everyday!
The kids have had a great first few weeks of school!
 On Friday night, we went to pick up a desk, try out Moe's southwest grill and visit Cavender's for the first time. I amazed by the sheer number of boots there! Tim ended up getting a pair!
He got them just in time. Aunt Karen came up to watch the kids on Saturday so he and I could go see Hank Williams Jr. in concert. We also stayed the night at Embassy Suites and had a nice little night away!
We had a really yummy dinner at Carrabba's!
.38 Special opened for Hank Jr.!
On Sunday, I attended the Northwest Arkansas Women's conference at Cross Church. Margaret Feinberg, author of Fight Back with Joy was the speaker.
I enjoyed hearing from her very much. I'm currently reading Fight Back with Joy and it has been great so far!
On Monday morning, B's class led the weekly Rise and Shine at school. He had speaking parts and did so good!
On Tuesday evening, B Boy had his first fall baseball practice!
It is boy pitch so that will be something very different than what he has done before!

1 comment:

  1. Lenette, I am so thrilled you are enjoying Fight Back With Joy. We loved our time at the Northwest Arkansas Women's conference at Cross Church.


I always love hearing from you!