
Monday, June 1, 2015

the weekly recap

Tuesday morning, I went to Fayetteville with my friend, Laurie to visit some gift shops and have lunch. The stores had such cute things! We ate at Hammontree's and I have been wanting to eat there for forever!
C Girl earned her AR t shirt!!!
I got "fancy" with her hair Wednesday morning. 
I attended a volunteer breakfast at school that morning. These cards were on all the tables and were made by students. They had the sweetest messages!
A friend asked me to lunch and we tried out a new food truck that is from one of our favorite restaurants!
It was super yummy!
C Girl had tennis practice Wednesday afternoon. We had to run and eat dinner and then heard to 
B Boy's baseball game.
C Girl found a friend and played in the dirt- one of her favorite past times.
B Boy had a great hit! His team ended up losing, but it was a fun game.
Our season ending tournament starts tomorrow night.
Do you remember when I mentioned B Boy badly scraping his knee? Wellll, he tore the other one up too!
I accompanied C Girl and her class on her field trip last Thursday.
It was a tour of 3 great museums in our town.
First up was the Peel Mansion.
We couldn't take pictures inside, so the outside had to do. 
Next, we went to the Museum of Native American History.
It is such a neat place!!!
Our final destination was the Walmart Museum.
This is such a neat one to walk through to get the history of Sam Walton and Walmart.
They moved everything from his actual office just as he had left it and brought it to the museum.
So funny!!!
We have had some really rainy weather lately. This was Thursday afternoon.
This was Thursday afternoon about an hour after the other photo. Crazy weather!
Friday morning, I had a BPTO training and then I had to get groceries. C Girl had a playdate with a friend Friday afternoon and ended up staying the night.  We went to the farmer's market and then hung out at home the rest of the day.
C Girl had her piano recital on Sunday- more on that soon!

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