
Saturday, August 16, 2014

my nine year old girlie

How do the years fly by, but yet, the baby years seem SO long ago?

C Girl, I just cannot believe that you are nine. 
In nine years, you will start your senior year in high school. 
I'm just not ready for that. 

I remember putting that crepe paper on your chair for your first birthday party. I had wanted everything to be so girly and perfect. The next year, I had a two year old and one year old and we had literally JUST moved to Paris. I did a joint cake (B did get a smash cake and he cried most of the party) and had a few decorations, and I think, pizza at the community center. We have only a couple of pictures from that party. Motherhood of two littles rocked my world.  Things got a lot better after that first year and we ended up with a great routine and I found my place as a momma.

You have always been the child that has stretched me the farthest.
You are just you, and it took me the first few years of your life to figure that out.
Honestly, I'm still figuring it out. There is just no set way to describe except, you
People who know you, know exactly what I mean.

You have changed so much in the last few years from how shy you were before in social situations. 
It has been so awesome to see how easily you interact with other kids and adults now!
You just started 3rd grade and this is a big year for you. You started this year with so much confidence and enthusiasm and I am just so very proud of you.

You and I are alike in so many ways, and I think that is why we butt heads a lot.
I have to be your momma right now, but I pray when you grow up, that we will be best friends.
You are strong, spirited, sweet, sassy, smart, silly, and oh, so mischievous!

I know I'm partial, but you are so beautiful. I pray that your beauty from inside always shines through. It will always make your outer beauty so much better.

You will always be my beautiful brown-eyed girl and daddy's sweet, sweet baby. 
I will always remember how he sings to you every night- Twinkle, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves the little children, Jed, your song, and most recently, Angel Dream.

You turned our world upside down from the day you were born and we could not love you more! 
No matter how rough some days are, you are our precious baby girl, always.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet letter. And she IS a beautiful girl.


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