
Sunday, April 27, 2014

That's a wrap

A wrap up of our week and weekend:
We have been fighting one person or another in our family being sick the past few weeks. 
C Girl was home sick from school on Tuesday.
I finally feel like we have gotten past it. I hope!

Wednesday night was our awards night for AWANA.
Both kiddos received an award for finishing books this year!
I'm so thankful for this program and the volunteers that work with the kids week after week!
C Girl is moving up to the last level of AWANA next year (3rd-6th grade) and that makes me SO sad!
 Tim had an invitation to have breakfast at our new Cracker Barrel before it opens, but he could not go, so I invited my friend Laurie to go with me. It was so fun! There were so many "important' people from our city and from Cracker Barrel's district and corporate realm. I am SO happy that we have this restaurant in our town- it's one of my faves!
 We went to Sonic after school on Friday to celebrate Friday, everyone feeling better, and our May break!
 B Boy got his uniform at baseball practice Friday evening. He is #6 this year!
 Saturday morning, I walked in my first Race for the Cure! I was on my friend Jenn's team. I've talked about her before. She is in my Sunday school class at church and she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She is now cancer free and we are so happy! I was so honored to walk with her yesterday!
Jenn and I

Jenn's Jewel's!!!
As I was driving home Saturday morning, I drove through our square and remembered that it was our first Farmer's Market of the season! I'm so glad it is back!
While I was driving through, a large group of bikers rode down the road past me. We see this scene a LOT in our town!
B Boy had his first baseball game of the season Saturday afternoon!
He is at the age of the pitching machine now.
It is quite a bit slower than tee ball was because it is more difficult for the boys to hit the ball since they are still learning batting without the tee.

It was sunny and hot and we got some slight sunburns!
C Girl has a big choir production at church this evening. We are so excited to see her perform!


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