
Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow days!

Well, we DID end up getting snow and LOTS of it! 
(Video of our snow fun at the bottom of the post.)
We had yesterday and today off from school AND they closed the district so Tim got to be home!
I L.O.V.E. snow days!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, we watched White Christmas, made chili, started a 500 pc. puzzle and watched The Sound of Music Live.  We actually watched all 3 hours and kinda loved it :-)
We will be watching more Christmas movies today!
almost 9 inches at 10 am and still falling HARD!
 Mesmerized by the snow falling <3
Pure joy
They were in our room at 6:55 am giddy about how much snow we had and "can we can get dressed and go outside now?!" Um, that would be a no.  Momma needs her coffee first! And breakfast!
He loves blasting daddy with snowballs!
I'm pretty darn proud of my snowflake picture!
 Snow mountain!
This dude came in before daddy and sister.  His boots got snow in them and he was so cold!
I almost froze getting a picture of our house.  It is 18 degrees and says that it "feels like" 8 degrees.  That's a bit too cold for me!

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I always love hearing from you!