
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Friday through Tuesday: December 7-11, 2012

I'm throwing this post together because I don't want to forget to blog these things and my week is crazy busy, so I have to do it now!
Friday night, we made graham cracker "gingerbread" houses using healthy snacks.  This was super fun, the kids LOVED it, and they ate it up after we made it!
We then watched "Elf" as a family.  We love that movie!
Saturday, Keith, Jessica and Parker came for the weekend! They made it to join us for the Bentonville Christmas parade! I adore having family with us.  We had such a nice time visiting and eating chicken and dumplings and lots of cookies!
Sweet cousins
My Parker baby and I
Me and my Jessica!
My brother Keith and I

Sunday evening, C Girl had her choir performance at church.  They got to sing all of the songs that they had worked on in choir.
She wanted her picture made by the "beautiful tree"

Monday, I cleaned house all day and we just had a nice dinner of "brinner." That is breakfast for dinner if you are wondering!
Today, I had an appointment to FINALLY get my hair done!  It had been 3 1/2 months! I had to miss the 4W luncheon and I was pretty sad about that.
I went a tad darker and I'm loving it!
We are going ice skating tonight to celebrate Ryan's 6th birthday!  Then, I'm off to a Girl's Night In with some Sunday School girls! Woot!

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