
Thursday, November 8, 2012

This and That

We celebrated my nephew's 11th birthday last Friday night.  I can't believe he is already 11!  We ate at a yummy Mexican restaurant and then went back to my brother's house to visit and have cupcakes.  It was a really nice family time.
 My brother with all the cousins
Saturday morning we headed to Fayetteville for the Razorback game.
We beat Tulsa, hallelujah!
On Sunday, we went to church and then I drove down to spend the afternoon with my SIL Jessica!  We had such a fun time shopping!
of course, we were up to our normal shenanigans!
That brings us to this week.  Of course, we all know that Tuesday was Election Day.  I voted and I stayed up waay to late Tuesday night to watch the winner and the speeches.  
I also had a PTO meeting Tuesday night.  I had started having sinus drainage and today, I can't even talk!  Good thing I have my first ever physical tomorrow.  

We are rejoicing today because we got good news about the health of one of SIL's.  A doctor had told her that a disease had returned to her body, but when she went for her appointment yesterday, there was no disease!  PTL!

Please, please be in prayer for the Northeast.  They were devastated by Hurricane Sandy and now they are being battered by a huge nor'easter.  Our church has efforts being taken up east and I'm so thankful for that.  If you have the opportunity to give or help, please do!


I always love hearing from you!